We are going to close the Discussion Forum of the WEA Conference Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy 80 Years Later with a Webinar meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 27th, between 4:00 pm and 6.30 pm UK time zone.

WEA Online conference
Looking at capitalism today in light of its past and possible future

Economic Thought Vol 11 No 2
Featuring papers by:
Jamie Morgan, Thomas Lambert, and John R. Stinespring
… and an interview with Yanis Varoufakis by Michel Zouboulakis

WEA Commentaries Volume 13, Issue No. 1, July 2023
Summary of the Great Transformation by Polanyi Asad Zaman
Economics, Anthropology and the Origin of Money as a Bargaining Counter Patrick Spread
“Capitalism is the most successful, but also the most destructive ideological-economic system”. An interview with Laibach Mitja Stefancic
Brainstorming: Negative Impact of Economics Asad Zaman

The Poverty of Fictional Storytelling in Mainstream Economics
New book by Lars Syll from WEA books.

Real-World Economics Review 103, March ’23
How to Make the Oil Industry Go Bust
Technological Change and Strategic Sabotage: A Capital as Power Analysis of the US Semiconductor Business
Do copyrights and paywalls on academic journals violate the US Constitution?
Mainstream economics – the poverty of fictional storytelling
Why do economists persist in using false theories?
… and more

New WEA book “Heterodox Economics: Legacy and Prospects”
The pressing need for alternative approaches in economics that is evident in the wake of the global pandemic, has also signalled an opening of space for the ideas and prescriptions of heterodox economics. This timely volume interrogates the rich diversity of the legacy of the heterodox economics, the institutional context and constraints that determine its influence, while addressing important questions about appropriate and desirable strategies and practices for fostering a vibrant constructive heterodox tradition . . .”

Textbook commentaries on the 9th edition of Mankiw
The commentaries cover the first 22 chapters of Principles of Economics and Principles of Microeconomics. The first 9 chapters coincide with chapters 1-9 of Principles of Macroeconomics.

The Inequality Crisis
Edited by Edward Fullbrook and Jamie Morgan
“These authors boldly stride where other economists toddle”
Richard B. Norgaard
Contributions from: Holger Apel, Marshall Auerback, Dean Baker, Victor A. Beker, Geoff Crocker, Edward Fullbrook, James Galbraith and Jaehee Choi, Jayati Ghosh, Girol Karacaoglu , Richard C. Koo, Jamie Morgan, Ann Pettifor, Steven Pressman, Peter Radford, Erik S. Reinert, David F. Ruccio, Robert H. Wade, David A. Westbrook.

The 2008 Crisis Ten Years On conference papers now available in paperback
“On the heels of a second crisis in just over a decade, this book could not be more timely … This book is a must-read for every student in economics.”

It’s measurement and metric
A new book by Edward Fullbrook
“In a deep re-think, this ground-breaking study teaches new lessons about the very foundations of economics. It is a book for philosophers and economists alike and for anyone concerned with the very core of assumptions on which economics is founded.”
Lars Syll, Malmö University, Sweden

Capital and Justice
A new book from WEA Books
Edited by Gerson P. Lima and Maria Alejandra Madi
The book Capital and Justice calls for a deep examination of current power, politics and economics in a social context where democratic institutions are being threatened.

Trumponomics – Causes and Consequences
A new ebook from the WEA
Two things seem generally agreed about Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States: it is, for good or for bad, potentially a major historical turning point and its most important determinant was the economic reality experienced today by the majority of Americans.

Narrative fixation in economics, Edward Fullbrook
“This is a great book. Against the background of the dogmatism of much of modern economics, Edward Fullbrook has produced an innovative and wide-ranging argument for narrative pluralism. The timely book is beautifully written, accessible to all, provocative, extraordinarily insightful, and extremely compelling.”
Tony Lawson, Cambridge University, UK

Green Capitalism: The God that Failed
“Essential reading for anyone opposed to planetary suicide. Capitalism is waging a war against nature. And until this becomes obvious to masses of people, we will be limited to reformist projects that can only slow the drive to oblivion, but not stop it. As Smith reminds us, ‘It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most critical moment in human history.'”
David Klein, Truthout | Book Review
World Economics Association (WEA)
Launched in 2011 and now with 13,500 members, the WEA is already
the world’s second largest organisation for professional economists.