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Mankiw 9th edition

There are several versions of Mankiw’s principles text, 9th edition. The commentaries cover the first 22 chapters of Principles of Economics and Principles of Microeconomics. The first 9 chapters coincide with chapters 1-9 of Principles of Macroeconomics. To go to the relevant chapter page, click on the chapter name in the table below.

These commentaries have been written by Rod Hill. He provides an introduction to the commentaries here.

Chapter Number, Principles of:
Economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics
Ten Principles of Economics 1 1 1
Thinking Like an Economist 2 2 2
Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 3 3 3
The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 4 4 4
Elasticity and Its Application 5 5 5
Supply, Demand, and Government Policies 6 6 6
Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets 7 7 7
Applications: The Costs of Taxation 8 8 8
Application: International Trade 9 9 9
Externalities 10 10
Public Goods and Common Resources 11 11
The Design of the Tax System 12 12
The Costs of Production 13 13
Firms in Competitive Markets 14 14
Monopoly 15 15
Monopolistic Competition 16 16
Oligopoly 17 17
The Markets for the Factors of Production 18 18
Earnings and Discrimination 19 19
Income Inequality and Poverty 20 20
The Theory of Consumer Choice 21 21
Frontiers in Microeconomics 22 22
